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1.1 What is School Avoidance?

Defining School Avoidance

School avoidance is a broad term that refers to situations in which a child or young person finds it difficult to attend or stay in school for a whole day. It also covers children and young people who may attend school late and leave early for reasons that pertain to difficulty in self-regulating or coping with anxieties. School avoidance occurs along a spectrum ranging from mild, sporadic difficulties with school attendance to more severe and persistent difficulties that require collaboration with the family/carers and multi-agency input.

It is difficult to estimate the prevalence of school-avoiding behaviour because different definitions exist and multiple attendance tracking systems are used in schools. There is no one central database which tracks school avoidance; however, on any given day in Ireland, 6% of the total school-going population, or the equivalent of 60,000 children and young people, are absent from school. A 2022 report by Tusla, found that populated counties with large cities have the highest total student absences, with Dublin being the city with the highest reported student absences. To further contextualise this data, DEIS schools (which includes most schools in Dublin 24) have traditionally experienced higher rates of student absence where a child or young person is absent for 20 or more days.

School avoidance is a systemic difficulty. This means it is a difficulty that affects and is influenced by a whole system. In this case, school avoidance affects the child or young person involved, their family, and the wider school system. Parents/guardians and the school may find it difficult to support the young person, which often results in the request for involvement of external services. School avoidance is an issue that may have many underlying needs; therefore, input and collaboration from several agencies are often required to overcome it.

Adapted from Jane Sharpe’s Presentation with permission and amended by CDI (2023). Originally adapted from Kearney, C. & Albano, A. (2018), When Children Refuse School, Oxford University Press.

School Attendance Problems (SAPs)

Adapted with permission from Jane Sharpe’s Research on School Avoidance (2023).

School avoidance falls under the umbrella term of School Attendance Problems (SAPs). The term School Attendance Problems (SAPs) is used internationally to refer to a wide range of difficulties in attending school. In this section we will look at how school avoidance differs from other SAPs.

School avoidance is primarily child-motivated. School avoidance is driven by negative emotions such as fear or worry, which may look very different according to the age of the child or young person.

School avoidance, if left unaddressed, can lead to outright school refusal and put a child or young person at risk of early school leaving in the future. We have left a table of SAPs terms with their explanation below.

School Avoidance Problem Definition
TruancySchool avoidance differs from truancy in that the young person is at home with the knowledge of the family despite their effort to promote attendance. With truancy, the young person is absent from school without the knowledge of their parents/guardians, having chosen not to go to school because they would prefer to be elsewhere.
Difficult CircumstancesSchool avoidance is also differentiated from children and young people experiencing difficult circumstances, such as homelessness, that may pose barriers to school attendance.
Parent/School WithdrawalSchool avoidance is differentiated from school withdrawal, which is where parents/guardians choose to deliberately withdraw a child or young person from school.
School ExclusionA school can decide to exclude a child, either on a fixed-term or a permanent basis, if they break the school rules or there is a risk to fellow student or staff safety.