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Junior Cycle Learning Units: Free Downloads

Two short courses for teachers to use with students in 1st and 2nd years to train them to use Restorative Practices

Teachers can use these two short courses (10 hours each) with students in 1st and 2nd years to train them to use Restorative Practices, values, and skills to strengthen relationships and resolve conflict. The courses are called “Friendship Champions” and “Friendship Masters” and can be delivered as part of a school’s well-being curriculum.

The teacher handbooks contain detailed instructions for delivering the courses, and the accompanying student journals will support learners in using restorative skills in their class, school, home, and community.

The courses are called “Friendship Champions” and “Friendship Masters” and can be delivered as part of a school’s wellbeing curriculum. They are designed to significantly improve four of the eight Junior Cycle Key Skills—Managing Myself, Working With Others, Staying Well, and Communicating—and all of these learning outcomes were met during the pilot phase of these courses. The teacher handbooks contain detailed instructions for delivering the courses, and the accompanying student journals will support learners in putting restorative skills into action in their class, school, home, and community.

Junior Cycle Year One RP Student-Journal

Restorative Practices Junior Cycle Year One RPStudent-Journal-

Junior Cycle Year One RP Teacher Handbook


Junior Cycle Year Two RP Student-Journal

Restorative Practices JuniorCycleYearTwoRPStudent-Journal

Junior Cycle Year Two RP Teacher Handbook

Restorative Practices JuniorCycleYearTwoRPTeacherHandbooks