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CDI Doodle STEAM Newsletter 2

Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Maths (STEAM) for Parents

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Welcome to our second Doodle STEAM newsletter! from the Childhood Development Initiative. We know that a love of science, technology, engineering, the arts, and maths (STEAM) begins at home. But we also know that as parents, you may want to encourage tech-based learning without too much screen time. So, we’ve put together some fun, hands-on activities that bring technology to life—without using a device!

Science STEAM words:

Code | Sequence | Switch | Connect | Power | Digital | Programme

P.S. Share your colourful creations with us using #DoodleSTEAM – we’d love to see your results!

Please contact Denise Lakes, Literacy and STEAM Co-ordinator ( for further details and information on bringing Doodle STEAM to your school. 

Denise Lakes: Literacy and STEAM Co-ordinator

+353 1 414 7362 |

Denise Lakes