Newsletter 2: Get ready to dive headfirst into the thrilling world of Doodle STEAM!
Welcome to our second Doodle STEAM newsletter! from the Childhood Development Initiative. We know that a love of science, technology, engineering, the arts, and maths (STEAM) begins at home. But we also know that as parents, you may want to encourage tech-based learning without too much screen time. So, we’ve put together some fun, hands-on activities that bring technology to life—without using a device!
What You’ll Need:
• Different coloured LEGO blocks
This simple activity introduces the basics of coding by helping children recognise sequences and patterns—an essential skill in computer programming.
What to do:
1️⃣ Build a small tower of LEGO blocks using a colour pattern. For example: red, red, blue, yellow, blue, yellow.
2️⃣ Give your child the same coloured blocks and ask them to build a matching tower.
3️⃣ Adjust the difficulty based on your child’s age—start with two colours for younger children and increase to three or more for older ones.
Questions to Ask Your Child:
💡 Which block goes first/next/last?
💡 Are both towers the same?
💡 What colours are in the sequence?
💡 How many blocks are red/blue/yellow?
This activity strengthens problem-solving skills and introduces an early understanding of coding concepts in a fun, hands-on way!
What to do:
🔧 Place the LED lights inside the deeper box and switch them on.
🔧 Put the shallow box on top.
🔧 Add sensory materials to the top box (e.g., coloured rice, shredded paper, coloured water, or sand).
🔧 Let your child explore how the light interacts with the materials!
This hands-on activity is a great way to introduce children to light, colour, and sensory play—all while sparking curiosity in technology!kimmed or semi-skimmed) to see how the results change!
Science STEAM words:
Code | Sequence | Switch | Connect | Power | Digital | Programme
P.S. Share your colourful creations with us using #DoodleSTEAM – we’d love to see your results!
Please contact Denise Lakes, Literacy and STEAM Co-ordinator ( for further details and information on bringing Doodle STEAM to your school.
Denise Lakes: Literacy and STEAM Co-ordinator
+353 1 414 7362 |