Our Board plays a crucial role in overseeing the governance and compliance of CDI’s operations. From staffing and finance, to communication, reporting, and mainstreaming, they have responsibility for ensuring our organisation runs efficiently and that public funding is effectively utilised.
One of their key responsibilities is to inform and have oversight of our strategy, implementation, spending, attainment of targets, and learning. Their insights and subject matter expertise shape the direction of CDI and help us make informed decisions.
The Board takes seriously its leadership role and responsibility for driving strategy implementation, governance, and accountability within CDI. Their expertise and guidance are instrumental in ensuring we stay on track and fulfil our mission effectively.
We are committed to ensuring that CDI leadership includes representation from those living in Tallaght and using our services. At least three Board members are drawn from the local community.
We are grateful for the passion and commitment of our Board members. Their invaluable contributions help us create a positive impact in the communities we serve.