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Section 3 – The Graduated Approach (Assess, Plan, Do, Review)

What is the Graduated Approach?

Nova adopts a graduated approach when intervening in school avoidance before cases are referred to Tusla’s Educational Support Services (TESS). A graduated approach involves schools making full use of all their resources and expertise before accessing increasingly personalised support. It is a recognised and continuous cycle of assessing needs, planning to meet those needs, implementing those plans, reviewing their effectiveness, and adjusting as required.

Remember, early intervention is crucial. The longer school avoidance remains an issue for a child or young person, it reduces the likelihood of positive outcomes regarding education and mental health. As soon as there are concerns about school avoidance, we recommend that schools use a graduated approach to intervene. Nova can assist in providing support to schools using a graduated approach through Meitheal.

More information on each of the areas of the Graduated Approach is available by clicking the relevant sections on the graphic below.