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2.3 Monitoring Transition Points

Bridging the Gaps

Transition points can cause school avoidance to peak. When working with a child or young person displaying signs of school avoidance, schools must be mindful of recognising these transition points as potentially difficult for them. Transition points are key moments when students move from one activity, setting, or routine to another.

Examples of transition points are more significant academic or life stage transitions such as the transition from:

  • Early Learning Centre (ELC) to Primary School
  • Primary to Secondary School
  • Junior to Senior Cycle
  • A new school, moving school or attending a new school.

They can also pertain to flash points in daily activities such as:

  • Returning to class after break or lunch
  • Changing teachers/subjects/classes
  • Returning to school after summer holidays or extended time off.

Uncertainty in a young person’s school placement for secondary school is also known to cause stress. Encouraging parents to apply for school placements in a timely manner can assist with reducing the stress around this time for a young person.