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1.5 School Avoidance and Neurodiversity

Defining Neurodiversity

Neurodiversity is a concept that recognises and values the diversity of human brains and minds, highlighting that variations in neurological development and functioning are natural and should be respected.

It encompasses a range of conditions such as autism, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Syndrome (ADHS, also known as ADHD), dyslexia, and other cognitive differences. The concept of neurodiversity views these conditions not as deficits or disorders, but as unique variations with their own strengths and challenges.

‘Neurodivergence’ and ‘neurodiversity’ are often used interchangeably. However, neurodiversity is the broader concept or framework that celebrates neurological differences as part of human diversity. In recent years, there has been a paradigm shift in the way we perceive and understand neurodivergent individuals, particularly autistic individuals.

Researchers such as Dr Temple Grandin and Dr Stephen Shore have contributed significantly to changing the narrative, emphasising the unique strengths and abilities of neurodivergent individuals. Studies by Baron-Cohen et al. (2009) and Happé et al. (2010) have highlighted the importance of recognising the diverse cognitive profiles of autistic individuals and debunking outdated stereotypes.

This perspective promotes inclusion and equal opportunities for individuals with different neurological make-ups, advocating for acceptance and accommodation in educational, professional, and social environments. Neurodiversity encourages society to appreciate the rich tapestry of human cognition and to leverage diverse ways of thinking to foster innovation and understanding.

Connecting Neurodiversity and School Avoidance

School avoidance is a significant issue within the neurodivergent population. Studies indicate that a substantial percentage of children struggling with school attendance are neurodivergent. Children with SEND are 50% more likely to struggle with school attendance, with 31% of autistic students persistently absent (Office for National Statistics, 2021). And, in one sample of children with school attendance difficulties, 92.1% were neurodivergent, with 83.4% being autistic (Connolly & Mullally, 2023). This high rate of absenteeism highlights the unique challenges that neurodivergent students face in traditional educational settings. It underscores the need for tailored support and interventions to address their specific emotional and educational needs. These students are not simply choosing not to attend school; rather, they are unable to attend school because of significant emotional distress or trauma related to their school environment.

Neurodiversity can pose challenges and difficulties, such as context blindness, executive functioning, limited theory of mind, difficulties processing language, focus on detail, sensory processing and perfectionism. These difficulties can influence learning, communication, and emotional regulation for a child or young person in a classroom setting.

There are many reasons why school can be a place that is overwhelming, anxiety-inducing, and traumatic for neurodivergent children. As neurodivergent pupils are statistically more likely to experience anxiety as a result of social differences, sensory challenges, communication differences, and differences in their learning styles and needs, it stands to reason that anxiety issues contribute to their difficulties at school in a way that can overwhelm them, leading to a ‘flight or fight response’.

The factors that influence the levels of anxiety in students who are neurodiverse are multiple and often complex, with each child experiencing a set of challenges unique to them. Therefore, it stands to reason that an individualised autism-informed approach is considered best practice for the neurodivergent learner.

Additional Resources

NCSE Social Stories Resource

Social Stories are a useful tool to help explain what will happen in the transition back to school for children, adolescents or young people with autism.


AsIAm is Ireland’s leading autism charity. They provide guidance and training on autism to parents and schools. They also host advice clinics and can advise professionals or parents on where to start with their child’s journey:

Middletown Autism

Middletown Autism was founded by the Department of Education and Skills Ireland and the Department of Education Northern Ireland to support the promotion of excellence throughout Northern Ireland and Ireland in the education of autistic children and young people.

StriveNI Autism Booklet

STRIVE NI aims to support children and young people who experience social, emotional, and/or behavioural difficulties. They support families and children directly, as well as running a variety of programmes in local schools and other organisations.

NEPS Good Practice Guide on Autism for schools

This guidance document has been developed as a resource for school leaders, teachers, and support staff to respond to the needs of all students with autism across the continuum of provision (i.e. mainstream, special classes, and special school settings).

NAIT Guidelines

The National Autism Implementation Team in Scotland suggests eight strategies to support autistic youth and those with related needs to be at school.