“Every child has a right to education and we must support them to reach their full potential“
Adapted from the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) by the Nova Toolkit Working Group
School avoidance is a complex challenge that some students, parents, and schools face. In some information booklets, school avoidance may be referred to as ‘school refusal’ or ‘truancy’; however, these terms do not fully capture the nuances of school avoidance. The term ‘refusal’ suggests a deliberate decision, whereas school avoidance acknowledges the underlying emotional struggles and barriers these students face (Wadlow, 2020).
Several factors at the child, family, and school levels interact to result in school avoidance. School avoidance is not a new phenomenon; it has been documented as far back as the 1930’s. Early recognition and intervention, clear planning, and good communication between schools and families are the key to prompt resolution. When the problem persists or becomes complex, schools often seek the advice and support of outside agencies. However, navigating the system (for example, knowing who to contact and when) can pose its own set of challenges. We hope this toolkit and associated links will support your work with children and young people presenting with school avoidance.
Note on Terminology:
The National Educational Psychological Service (NEPS) has recently released guidance for schools recognising the terms ‘reluctant attendance’ and ‘school avoiding behaviours’. The Nova programme in the Childhood Development Initiative (CDI) has a specific focus on school avoidance. For ease of reference and inclusive terminology in this toolkit, we have used the term ‘school avoidance’ throughout, but it is interchangeable with ‘EBSA’, ‘reluctant attendance’, and ‘school avoiding behaviours’. The language we use with children, young people, and their families is very important and can have positive and negative connotations. It can be helpful if your school uses common and agreed-upon terminology when communicating about school avoidance.