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Restorative Practices

What are Restorative Practices? 

Restorative Practices (RP) are an evidence-based set of skills that help develop and sustain strong and happy organisations and communities by actively developing good relationships, preventing the escalation of conflict, and handling conflict and wrongdoing creatively and healthily. Restorative Practices are preventative and are a method of conflict resolution, and they transform the way people engage with one another. Organisations and individuals we have worked with have used RP training and consultancy to develop conflict management skills and strategies in the workplace to effectively deal with conflict at work and in all relationships, including how to manage bullying and toxic behaviours in the workplace. 

The independent evaluation of the RP Programme in Tallaght found a reduction of 43% in workplace conflicts in organisations that have adopted an RP approach, and 87% of those who had undertaken training reported being more confident in dealing with conflict.

CDI provides a range of Restorative Practices Training courses and Workshops.
We also offer tailored Restorative Practices Consultancy support.

Book a Restorative Practices Training Course

CDI offers a variety of Restorative Practices training courses, which you can attend at our facilities, in-person, online, or even on-site, for organisations, schools, and communities seeking in-house training. Our instructors are highly skilled professionals passionate about Restorative Practices, sharing their expertise, and helping you reach your goals. 

For additional details on RP training customised to your organisational needs, please get in touch with George Best at

What Our Trainees Say

Restorative Practices in Action

How are Restorative Practices being used across Tallaght? Find out below.

Restorative Practices Podcast — Circles of Connection

RP social media Podcast Season

CDI proudly presents “Circles of Connection: Stories from Ireland,” an engaging two-season podcast series that delves into Restorative Practices in Ireland. Join us as we explore thought-provoking topics like “From Restorative Justice to Restorative Practice,” “Using Restorative Practices to Build Relationships,” “The Power of the Circle to Build Relationships,” and “Restorative Teaching at Third Level Education.” “Creating Restorative, Relational School Communities” and “Were Our Ancestors More Restorative?”
Our guest speakers include:

  • Dr Ian Marder, Assistant Professor in Criminology at Maynooth University,
  • Dr Kieran O’Dwyer, Restorative Practice Quality Specialist with the Childhood Development Initiative and Chairperson of Restorative Practices Ireland (RPI),
  • Joe Power, RP Development Officer for Limerick,
  • Kate O’Neill, acting team leader for the primary health and well-being team in the Professional Development Service for Teachers (PDST),
  • Michelle Stowe, founder and director of Connect RP,
  • John Biggins, lawyer and lecturer at Maynooth University,
  • Geraldine Conlon, local activist and parent.

Our series of Circles of Connection podcasts features people young and old from all over Ireland talking about how using these RP skills helps them improve relationships and outcomes in their families, workplaces, and communities. Have a listen; these stories are uplifting!

Listeners will gain valuable insights and reasons to reflect.

Find more Restorative Practices podcasts here.

Restorative Practices Ireland

Restorative Practices Ireland (RPI) promotes and supports the use of restorative approaches in all sectors of the community in Ireland, both locally, regionally, and nationally. To Connect with Restorative Practices practitioners around Ireland, visit Restorative Practices Ireland.

Restorative Practices Junior Cycle Learning Units — Free Downloads

Teachers can use these two short courses (10 hours each) with students in 1st and 2nd years to train them to use Restorative Practices, values, and skills to strengthen relationships and resolve conflict. The courses are called “Friendship Champions” and “Friendship Masters” and can be delivered as part of a school’s well-being curriculum.

The teacher handbooks contain detailed instructions for delivering the courses, and the accompanying student journals will support learners in using restorative skills in their class, school, home, and community.

The courses are called “Friendship Champions” and “Friendship Masters” and can be delivered as part of a school’s wellbeing curriculum. They are designed to significantly improve four of the eight Junior Cycle Key Skills—Managing Myself, Working With Others, Staying Well, and Communicating—and all of these learning outcomes were met during the pilot phase of these courses. The teacher handbooks contain detailed instructions for delivering the courses, and the accompanying student journals will support learners in putting restorative skills into action in their class, school, home, and community.

Junior Cycle Year One RP Student-Journal

Restorative Practices Junior Cycle Year One RPStudent-Journal-

Junior Cycle Year One RP Teacher Handbook


Junior Cycle Year Two RP Student-Journal

Restorative Practices JuniorCycleYearTwoRPStudent-Journal

Junior Cycle Year Two RP Teacher Handbook

Restorative Practices JuniorCycleYearTwoRPTeacherHandbooks

Our Restorative Practices Team

Claire Casey Restorative Practices Manager

Claire Casey

Restorative Practices Manager
T: 01 414 7369

Claire has worked in community development for over 30 years. She has worked as a Development Worker, Policy Development Officer, Trainer and Manager with community and voluntary organisations in Dublin’s North Inner City, Ballymun and Ringsend and has experience and expertise in design and delivery of adult education and training, conflict resolution and mediation skills, group development and facilitation, personnel and financial management, mentoring, research, and report writing.

She is responsible for the implementation of the Restorative Practices Programme and is passionate about combatting poverty, discrimination and inequality.  Claire holds a Bachelor of Science and a Postgraduate Diploma in Adult and Community Education from Maynooth University and a Master of Science in Restorative Practices from Ulster University.

George Best Restorative Practice Coordinator

George Best

Restorative Practice Coordinator
T: 01 910 3075

George is the CDI Restorative Practice Programme Coordinator. George holds a BSc In Education and Training from DCU; he worked as a Parent Carer Facilitator with CDI, before moving on to take up a role as Programme Coordinator for the Boys and Young Men’s Programme with London Borough Of Hillingdon’s Early Intervention and Prevention Services. George returned to Ireland to work with Cooperative Housing Ireland as a Housing Officer.

CDI is delighted to work with a fantastic group of Restorative Practices Quality Specialists, who bring lots of knowledge, experience, and passion to our work.