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Our Community Research

Here at the Childhood Development Initiative, we regularly conduct community research to understand the evolving needs of children and families in Tallaght. Since 2004, we have conducted a series of research studies, such as “How Are Our Kids?”, “How Are Our Families?” and “How Is Our Neighbourhood?”, which delves into the lived experiences of children and families in our local community. The findings from our community research play a pivotal role in shaping service delivery at both community and national levels. Key recent research includes studies on Child Poverty and Youth Mental Health.    

Our Impact on Policy  

Training Slide Event for Professionals Capacity cuilding

CDI uses the wealth of information and evidence gathered to make relevant policy submissions, including contributions to the National Children’s Strategy in 2012, pre-budget submissions, presentations to the Oireachtas Committees, and submissions to various Government advisory groups. To promote transparency and accessibility, CDI shares the datasets from our evaluations through national repositories such as the Irish Social Science Data Archive. 

Tallaght Research 

Child Poverty Research 

Youth Mental Health Research 


Prisoner Families Research